list p=16f684 include "" __config _INTOSCIO & _PWRTE_ON & _WDT_OFF & _MCLRE_OFF & _CP_OFF & _CPD_OFF & _FCMEN_OFF & _BOD_OFF & _IESO_OFF CBLOCK 0x20 duty1, duty2, conw, cons, dif, dutyp, sweeprdy, snsrc, snsrsta, left, right, snsrstatmp ENDC org 0x0000 goto start org 0x0004 goto isr start bcf STATUS, RP0 ;Bank 0 clrf PORTA clrf PORTC movlw 0x7 movwf CMCON0 ;Disable comparators bsf STATUS, RP0 ;Bank 1 movlw 0xE0 movwf OSCCON ;8mhz movlw 0x50 movwf ADCON1 ;F/16 for 8mhz movlw B'10000001' movwf ADCON0 ;Right justified, channel 0 enabled, AD - on movlw 0xCF movwf TRISA ; RA4, RA5 - outputs ; else inputs movwf TRISC ; RC4, RC5 - outputs ; else inputs movlw 0xEF movwf ANSEL ;RA4 - Digital, else analog bcf STATUS, RP0 ;Bank 0 bcf PIR1, T2IF ;Clear timer 2 interrupt flag bcf PIR1, ADIF ;Clear A/D interrupt flag clrf dutyp ;Clear duty cycle flags movlw 0x80 movwf duty1 movwf duty2 ;Set Duty cycles to 50% bsf STATUS, RP0 ;Bank 1 movwf PR2 ;Set timer 2 period movlw 0x42 movwf PIE1 ;Turn on timer 2 and A/D interrupts movlw 0xC0 movwf INTCON ;Turn global and peripheral interrupts on bcf STATUS, RP0 ;Bank 0 clrf TMR2 movlw 0x4 ;Turn on timer 2 movwf T2CON bsf PORTC, 4 ;RC4 = 1 bsf PORTC, 5 ;RC5 = 1 goto main val_table addwf PCL, f nop retlw B'10000001' ;Channel 0 retlw B'10000101' ;Channel 1 retlw B'10001001' ;Channel 2 retlw B'10010001' ;Channel 4 retlw B'10010101' ;Channel 5 retlw B'10011001' ;Channel 6 isr movwf conw ;Save W swapf STATUS, w ;Save STATUS movwf cons ;Int btfss PIR1, ADIF ;Check A/D ready goto check_tmr2i ;Not A/D conv movlw D'250' ; ~1,22V bsf STATUS, RP0 ;Bank 1 subwf ADRESL, w ;ADRESL -= 250 bcf STATUS, RP0 ;Bank 0 rlf snsrsta, f ; Rotate snsrsta left through carry (result from subtraction) bsf PORTA, 5 bcf PORTA, 5 ;Next LED enable (or disable last) decfsz snsrc, f ;Snsrc -= 1, 0? goto next_sensor bsf sweeprdy, 0 ;Indicate that sensor sweep is ready goto end_ad next_sensor movf snsrc, w ;snsrc -> W sublw 0x6 ;6 - W -> W call val_table movwf ADCON0 call wait ;2us wait call wait ;2us wait bsf ADCON0, GO ;Start next conversation end_ad bcf PIR1, ADIF ;Clear AD flag check_tmr2i btfss PIR1, TMR2IF ;Timer 2 match int? goto end_int ;No, end int bcf T2CON, 2 ;Turn off timer 2 btfss dutyp, 2 ;Start of duty cycle? goto check_expire ;No, check expire of duty cycle movf duty1, w ;Yes, duty1 -> w btfss dutyp, 1 ;duty1 expired first(duty1 < duty2)? movf duty2, w ;No, duty2 -> w clrf dutyp ;Clear flags bsf PORTC, 4 ;RC4 = RC5 = 1 bsf PORTC, 5 goto end_tmr2 ;End interrupt check_expire btfss dutyp, 0 ;Duty expire? goto no_exp ;No, check for differences ;Convert duty cycle comf duty1, w ;Complement Duty 1(255 - duty1) btfsc dutyp, 1 ;Duty 1 expired last? eqt comf duty2, w ;No, complement Duty 2(255 - duty2) bcf PORTC, 4 ;RC4 = 0 regardless of state btfsc dutyp, 1 ;Duty 1 expired last? bcf PORTC, 5 ;No, RC5 = 0 bsf dutyp, 2 ;Set start goto end_tmr2 no_exp movf duty2, w ;duty1 - duty2 subwf duty1, w btfsc STATUS, Z ;Equal? goto equal ;If equal, skip expire btfsc STATUS, C ;duty1 > duty2? goto gtr ;Yes, setup expire movwf dif ;duty1 < duty2 comf dif, f ;negate 2's complement dif incf dif, w ;dif + 1 -> w bsf dutyp, 1 ;Set duty2 expire bcf PORTC, 4 ;RC4 = 0 goto setexp gtr bcf PORTC, 5 ;RC5 = 0 setexp bsf dutyp, 0 ;Indicate expire end_tmr2 bsf STATUS, RP0 ;Bank 1 movwf PR2 ;Set next period bcf STATUS, RP0 bsf T2CON, 2 ;Turn timer 2 back on bcf PIR1, T2IF ;Clear timer 2 flag end_int swapf cons, w ;Restore STATUS movwf STATUS swapf conw, f ;Restore W swapf conw, w retfie equal bsf dutyp, 1 ;Set duty 2 expire goto eqt wait return main movlw 0x6 movwf snsrc ;Setup counter clrf sweeprdy ;Clear sweep flag clrf snsrsta ;Clear sensor status bsf PORTA, 4 bsf PORTA, 5 ;Shift 1 into the register(enable LED0) bcf PORTA, 5 bcf PORTA, 4 bsf ADCON0, GO ;Start conversation loop goto loop ;Infinite loop, until interrupt btfss sweeprdy, 0 ;Sensor check ready? goto loop ;No, go back to looping check_sides movf snsrsta, w movwf snsrstatmp ;Save snsrsta clrf left ;Left = right = 0 clrf right rrf snsrsta, f btfss STATUS, C ;1 = not in line;0 = in line incf right,f ;one indicator + in right rrf snsrsta, f btfss STATUS, C ;1 = not in line;0 = in line incf right,f ;one indicator + in right rrf snsrsta, f btfss STATUS, C ;1 = not in line;0 = in line incf right,f ;one indicator + in right rrf snsrsta, f btfss STATUS, C ;1 = not in line;0 = in line incf left,f ;one indicator + in left rrf snsrsta, f btfss STATUS, C ;1 = not in line;0 = in line incf left,f ;one indicator + in left rrf snsrsta, f btfss STATUS, C ;1 = not in line;0 = in line incf left,f ;one indicator + in left movf left, w subwf right, w ;right - left -> W btfsc STATUS, Z ;Equal? goto straight ;Yes, the bot is centered! btfss STATUS, C ;right > left? goto go_right ;No, right < left (line in right), go right movlw 0x50 movwf duty1 ;Left motor slower than left one => turn right movlw 0x80 movwf duty2 goto main nop ;Int Protection goto main go_right movlw 0x50 movwf duty2 ;Right motor slower than right one => turn left movlw 0x80 movwf duty1 goto main nop ;Int Protection goto main straight movlw 0x80 ;Set duty cycle to 50% movwf duty1 movwf duty2 goto main nop ;Int Protection goto main END